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Neglecting Your Relationship

In today's fast-paced world, it's all too easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of professional life. While ambition and hard work...



The Parent Trap

In the whirlwind of parenting, finding moments for yourself and your partner can often feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. The constant...



Fun In a Stale Relationship

In the grand tapestry of a long-term relationship, it's common to occasionally feel like the colours have faded. The thrilling blush of early romance may...



Balancing Love and Life

As a busy professional or working parent, you might often find yourself juggling the demanding balls of career, family life, and personal relationships. The act...



A Healthy Life Balance

All work can turn a person into a creature of habit with few social skills, but playing all the time might make them nothing more...



Making Compromises in Life

People have found that getting what they want from life is often difficult, and it is not necessarily easier when they have a partner. Couples...



Choosing a Partner or Career

There are people who are less attached to a partner than their career, and they often find their relationships never last. Choosing a partner takes...



Dedicating More Time For Dating

Whether or not two people are in a committed relationship, carving out time for socializing together is important. For those who are just dating, they...



Seeking Spontaneity in a Relationship

Entertainment is a big part of life, and this is often true for younger people. They want their relationships to be full of fun and...



Drama Is Best for Others

People often love to watch movies or read books where there are many surprise twists and turns, but they seldom appreciate finding these same dramatic...



Digging Out of the Relationship Rut

After years together, couples often find their lives have devolved into dull routines. They realize they have dug themselves into a rut, and they must...



Discovering Fun Again

Relationships often dissolve because two people are incompatible, and one of the main ways this is expressed is in their lack of sharing fun activities....


Staying on top of a career and social life consumes many hours daily in the modern world, and being in a relationship doubles the duties. When a person has a partner, they must consider their partner's schedule as well as their own. Twice as much frustration can result from this need, and it can break a relationship into pieces when two people have incompatible schedules. Continually making excuses for a busy partner does not help the situation, so there is little wonder that a couple may decide to end their relationship.

There are couples with opposing schedules who will work out their differences, and they manage to keep their relationship healthy throughout the years. They long ago accepted the truth that life is often hard, and they are willing to make sacrifices for each other. Unfortunately, many younger couples simply see this as a reason to end their association and move on to be with someone more amenable to their schedule.